Birth Marriage Death Records

South Carolina Birth Records:

South Carolina birth records list sex, race, place and date of birth of individual. The names of parents and physician/midwife attending are also sometimes listed.

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South Carolina Birth Records

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Birth Marriage Death Records

South Carolina Birth Records Information by following County :

Abbeville - Aiken - Allendale - Anderson - Bamberg - Barnwell - Beaufort - Berkeley - Calhoun - Charleston - Cherokee - Chester - Chesterfield - Clarendon - Colleton - Darlington - Dillon - Dorchester - Edgefield - Fairfield - Florence - Georgetown - Greenville - Greenwood - Hampton - Horry - Jasper - Kershaw - Lancaster - Laurens - Lee - Lexington - Marion - Marlboro - McCormick - Newberry - Oconee - Orangeburg - Pickens - Richland - Saluda - Spartanburg - Sumter - Union - Williamsburg - York
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Birth Marriage Death Records

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